The Bible says we reign in life. Jesus Christ has made us kings and priests unto our God and we shall reign upon the earth.
It doesn't mean some will rule over others. It means we mutually reign in life!
Your goal as a Christian should not be to rule over others. Our goal is that we all get to reign together, in life.
Mutual reigning comes about through mutual serving.
As an illustration, imagine a large multi-national corporation that is considering entering a foreign market in a developing country, or considering opening an operation in that country. The company has a reasonable expectation - to make a profit. And since the company's activities meets a perceived need, or provides a desired service or product - its presence in the developing country is more than tolerated - it is sought. So both are happy. Both feel they are profiting. Both have served the other. That's the principle of business. It is consistent with Gospel values.
In this way the living standard of a developing country can be elevated and doors of opportunity can open to share the Gospel because everyone perceives a profit all around.
This is reigning, not one over the other, but mutually, in life.
This is not colonization for monopolization alone - it is co-operation for mutualization of benefits - and God gets the glory through Jesus Christ.
"The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it".
We are to seek the well-being of each other, not of ourselves.
Everything we take to the nations is to be offered with love and in a spirit of serving - no matter whether it's the Gospel we are taking, or whether it's a service, or a product or an ideology.
Some of us are called to be separated unto the Gospel. Others are called to remain in business. Each of us has a different calling. But our heart must be to serve. And notice this remarkable promise Jesus made:
"And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life."
Notice that all who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Therefore despite any gains or persecutions we may realize in this world, our steadfast hope remains in the coming of Christ, and the prize we seek is eternal life in the world to come.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tool for Dominion
The Bible says we reign in life. Jesus Christ has made us kings and priests unto our God and we shall reign upon the earth.
It doesn't mean some will rule over others. It means we mutually reign in life!
Your goal as a Christian should not be to rule over others. Our goal is that we all get to reign together, in life.
Mutual reigning comes about through mutual serving.
As an illustration, imagine a large multi-national corporation that is considering entering a foreign market in a developing country, or considering opening an operation in that country. The company has a reasonable expectation - to make a profit. And since the company's activities meets a perceived need, or provides a desired service or product - its presence in the developing country is more than tolerated - it is sought. So both are happy. Both feel they are profiting. Both have served the other. That's the principle of business. It is consistent with Gospel values.
In this way the living standard of a developing country can be elevated and doors of opportunity can open to share the Gospel because everyone perceives a profit all around.
This is reigning, not one over the other, but mutually, in life.
This is not colonization for monopolization alone - it is co-operation for mutualization of benefits - and God gets the glory through Jesus Christ.
"The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it".
We are to seek the well-being of each other, not of ourselves.
Everything we take to the nations is to be offered with love and in a spirit of serving - no matter whether it's the Gospel we are taking, or whether it's a service, or a product or an ideology.
Some of us are called to be separated unto the Gospel. Others are called to remain in business. Each of us has a different calling. But our heart must be to serve. And notice this remarkable promise Jesus made:
"And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life."
Notice that all who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Therefore despite any gains or persecutions we may realize in this world, our steadfast hope remains in the coming of Christ, and the prize we seek is eternal life in the world to come.
It doesn't mean some will rule over others. It means we mutually reign in life!
Your goal as a Christian should not be to rule over others. Our goal is that we all get to reign together, in life.
Mutual reigning comes about through mutual serving.
As an illustration, imagine a large multi-national corporation that is considering entering a foreign market in a developing country, or considering opening an operation in that country. The company has a reasonable expectation - to make a profit. And since the company's activities meets a perceived need, or provides a desired service or product - its presence in the developing country is more than tolerated - it is sought. So both are happy. Both feel they are profiting. Both have served the other. That's the principle of business. It is consistent with Gospel values.
In this way the living standard of a developing country can be elevated and doors of opportunity can open to share the Gospel because everyone perceives a profit all around.
This is reigning, not one over the other, but mutually, in life.
This is not colonization for monopolization alone - it is co-operation for mutualization of benefits - and God gets the glory through Jesus Christ.
"The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it".
We are to seek the well-being of each other, not of ourselves.
Everything we take to the nations is to be offered with love and in a spirit of serving - no matter whether it's the Gospel we are taking, or whether it's a service, or a product or an ideology.
Some of us are called to be separated unto the Gospel. Others are called to remain in business. Each of us has a different calling. But our heart must be to serve. And notice this remarkable promise Jesus made:
"And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life."
Notice that all who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Therefore despite any gains or persecutions we may realize in this world, our steadfast hope remains in the coming of Christ, and the prize we seek is eternal life in the world to come.
Business Ethic

It is not inconsistent with the heavenly calling to engage in profit-making business - unless you have been called to be separated unto the Gospel. In fact, employing Christ-like principles will enhance success in every sphere of life - with persecutions.
Consider for example Christ's principle of serving. To succeed in business, you must provide a service or a product that people desire. In other words, you need to serve them. If you serve only your own desire and not the consumer's - your business will go down.
Here's an important point. Placing a profit-margin on your price is not ripping the consumer off. It is still consistent with Jesus' principle of serving. I'll explain.
The business owner offers to provide a service or product which the consumer desires, in exchange for a commodity which he or she places more value on - money. At the same time, the consumer places more value on the business owner's service or product than on keeping his or her commodity, money. Therefore both seller and buyer profit from the exchange; they have mutually served each other's desire or need. It's a win-win situation.
As soon as either party perceives an imbalance of service over profit, they will reduce their demand. So there is a built-in check to make sure this principle of mutual service and profit remains in balance. Notice therefore that neither supplier nor consumer is sovereign. Mutual profit thrives on mutual serving. And as soon as one party stops serving, his own profit will suffer.
I call it service at a profit. Someone once called it benevolent capitalism. It's mutual profit through mutual service.
In the post entitled Tool for Dominion I will show how this principle can be used as a tool to enhance opportunities to spread the Gospel and as a tool to export improved living standards.
Business Ethic

It is not inconsistent with the heavenly calling to engage in profit-making business - unless you have been called to be separated unto the Gospel. In fact, employing Christ-like principles will enhance success in every sphere of life - with persecutions.
Consider for example Christ's principle of serving. To succeed in business, you must provide a service or a product that people desire. In other words, you need to serve them. If you serve only your own desire and not the consumer's - your business will go down.
Here's an important point. Placing a profit-margin on your price is not ripping the consumer off. It is still consistent with Jesus' principle of serving. I'll explain.
The business owner offers to provide a service or product which the consumer desires, in exchange for a commodity which he or she places more value on - money. At the same time, the consumer places more value on the business owner's service or product than on keeping his or her commodity, money. Therefore both seller and buyer profit from the exchange; they have mutually served each other's desire or need. It's a win-win situation.
As soon as either party perceives an imbalance of service over profit, they will reduce their demand. So there is a built-in check to make sure this principle of mutual service and profit remains in balance. Notice therefore that neither supplier nor consumer is sovereign. Mutual profit thrives on mutual serving. And as soon as one party stops serving, his own profit will suffer.
I call it service at a profit. Someone once called it benevolent capitalism. It's mutual profit through mutual service.
In the post entitled Tool for Dominion I will show how this principle can be used as a tool to enhance opportunities to spread the Gospel and as a tool to export improved living standards.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Answer to this World's Political Problems

World leaders are meeting to discuss a roadmap for peace in the Middle East.
Bloggists are debating how to solve Australian reconciliation issues.
Industrial relations are split into left and right.
I was asked how I would end the violence in Iraq.
I was asked whether I have the answer.
I said, "Sure I do."
If every one of us were like Jesus, there'd be no problem, would there.
It would solve the Middle East crisis.
It would end the lawlessness in Iraq.
It could have averted the American Civil War.
It would eliminate the barriers to reconciliation. It would answer the question of indigenous policy.
It would solve every relationship problem.
It would solve every problem faced by mankind in every generation.
If we all had the heart of Jesus.
But not everyone in the world has the heart of Jesus - yet. But the time will come when He that shall come will come. In that day He will uproot the wicked like tares from among wheat and the righteous shall shine like the sun forever upon the earth.
But for the time being the children of the wicked continue alongside the children of the Kingdom. And that's why we still experience trouble in this world.
Why doesn't the righteous Judge come straightaway? Because He is longsuffering and not willing that any should perish. His patience gives sinners space to repent. If not for His mercy, who among us would have been saved?
Nevertheless history is moving towards that great day when, after He shall have put down all authority and rule, He shall then destroy the last enemy which is death. Jesus is the answer even to the problem of death!
Until then let's be patient in tribulation and continue to be like Jesus, in order to attain to the resurrection from the dead and to enter into His eternal Kingdom. That is our heavenly calling. Our calling is heavenly. Our citizenship is in heaven.
Until then we shine as lights in the world.
"As He is, so are we in this world."
You might be surprised to know how much difference the salt and light is making.
The Answer to this World's Political Problems

World leaders are meeting to discuss a roadmap for peace in the Middle East.
Bloggists are debating how to solve Australian reconciliation issues.
Industrial relations are split into left and right.
I was asked how I would end the violence in Iraq.
I was asked whether I have the answer.
I said, "Sure I do."
If every one of us were like Jesus, there'd be no problem, would there.
It would solve the Middle East crisis.
It would end the lawlessness in Iraq.
It could have averted the American Civil War.
It would eliminate the barriers to reconciliation. It would answer the question of indigenous policy.
It would solve every relationship problem.
It would solve every problem faced by mankind in every generation.
If we all had the heart of Jesus.
But not everyone in the world has the heart of Jesus - yet. But the time will come when He that shall come will come. In that day He will uproot the wicked like tares from among wheat and the righteous shall shine like the sun forever upon the earth.
But for the time being the children of the wicked continue alongside the children of the Kingdom. And that's why we still experience trouble in this world.
Why doesn't the righteous Judge come straightaway? Because He is longsuffering and not willing that any should perish. His patience gives sinners space to repent. If not for His mercy, who among us would have been saved?
Nevertheless history is moving towards that great day when, after He shall have put down all authority and rule, He shall then destroy the last enemy which is death. Jesus is the answer even to the problem of death!
Until then let's be patient in tribulation and continue to be like Jesus, in order to attain to the resurrection from the dead and to enter into His eternal Kingdom. That is our heavenly calling. Our calling is heavenly. Our citizenship is in heaven.
Until then we shine as lights in the world.
"As He is, so are we in this world."
You might be surprised to know how much difference the salt and light is making.
How We're Meant to Live
The Apostle Peter exhorts us to "hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ".
Firstly, take note there is a day coming in which Jesus Christ is going to be revealed.
Secondly, consider that on that day there is an abundant grace which is going to be brought to us who believe.
Thirdly, we are to live mindful of that day and what it will bring us. We are to hope perfectly for it, to hope to the end for it.
So the primary object of the faith Jesus Christ gave you is not things in this life only - such as prosperity, dominion or success. The primary object of your faith is that day and what it will bring you - things like vindication, resurrection, eternal life and eternal glory in His Kingdom.
Since that is the case, we ought to set our affection on, and make our goal, things above - not things of the earth. For the things that are seen are only temporary but the things that are unseen are eternal. Our citizenship is in heaven. Our calling is heavenly.
In the meantime, we shine as lights in a dark world among the wicked and those who know not God.
To be thus-minded eliminates avarice, which is the root of all evil and it elevates charity (love) above all else.
Does that mean we don't engage the world - the academic, economic, social, political & cultural spheres of this world? No, because love doesn't withdraw - love engages. Being heaven-minded mints our earthly activity with a Christ-like stamp of quality. And whose life has influenced this world for good, throughout every generation, more than our Savior Jesus Christ. And second to him might be the Apostle Paul.
They showed that through aspiring to the heavenly calling rather than focusing on the earth; through serving, rather than dictating; through dying rather than living; through seeking the will of our heavenly Father not our own will; through sacrifice for the sake of the Name of Jesus and the Gospel - we leave in our wake a vastly improved world, improved in all of its spheres, benefiting all nations and generations - until He comes.
Firstly, take note there is a day coming in which Jesus Christ is going to be revealed.
Secondly, consider that on that day there is an abundant grace which is going to be brought to us who believe.
Thirdly, we are to live mindful of that day and what it will bring us. We are to hope perfectly for it, to hope to the end for it.
So the primary object of the faith Jesus Christ gave you is not things in this life only - such as prosperity, dominion or success. The primary object of your faith is that day and what it will bring you - things like vindication, resurrection, eternal life and eternal glory in His Kingdom.
Since that is the case, we ought to set our affection on, and make our goal, things above - not things of the earth. For the things that are seen are only temporary but the things that are unseen are eternal. Our citizenship is in heaven. Our calling is heavenly.
In the meantime, we shine as lights in a dark world among the wicked and those who know not God.
To be thus-minded eliminates avarice, which is the root of all evil and it elevates charity (love) above all else.
Does that mean we don't engage the world - the academic, economic, social, political & cultural spheres of this world? No, because love doesn't withdraw - love engages. Being heaven-minded mints our earthly activity with a Christ-like stamp of quality. And whose life has influenced this world for good, throughout every generation, more than our Savior Jesus Christ. And second to him might be the Apostle Paul.
They showed that through aspiring to the heavenly calling rather than focusing on the earth; through serving, rather than dictating; through dying rather than living; through seeking the will of our heavenly Father not our own will; through sacrifice for the sake of the Name of Jesus and the Gospel - we leave in our wake a vastly improved world, improved in all of its spheres, benefiting all nations and generations - until He comes.
How We're Meant to Live
The Apostle Peter exhorts us to "hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ".
Firstly, take note there is a day coming in which Jesus Christ is going to be revealed.
Secondly, consider that on that day there is an abundant grace which is going to be brought to us who believe.
Thirdly, we are to live mindful of that day and what it will bring us. We are to hope perfectly for it, to hope to the end for it.
So the primary object of the faith Jesus Christ gave you is not things in this life only - such as prosperity, dominion or success. The primary object of your faith is that day and what it will bring you - things like vindication, resurrection, eternal life and eternal glory in His Kingdom.
Since that is the case, we ought to set our affection on, and make our goal, things above - not things of the earth. For the things that are seen are only temporary but the things that are unseen are eternal. Our citizenship is in heaven. Our calling is heavenly.
In the meantime, we shine as lights in a dark world among the wicked and those who know not God.
To be thus-minded eliminates avarice, which is the root of all evil and it elevates charity (love) above all else.
Does that mean we don't engage the world - the academic, economic, social, political & cultural spheres of this world? No, because love doesn't withdraw - love engages. Being heaven-minded mints our earthly activity with a Christ-like stamp of quality. And whose life has influenced this world for good, throughout every generation, more than our Savior Jesus Christ. And second to him might be the Apostle Paul.
They showed that through aspiring to the heavenly calling rather than focusing on the earth; through serving, rather than dictating; through dying rather than living; through seeking the will of our heavenly Father not our own will; through sacrifice for the sake of the Name of Jesus and the Gospel - we leave in our wake a vastly improved world, improved in all of its spheres, benefiting all nations and generations - until He comes.
Firstly, take note there is a day coming in which Jesus Christ is going to be revealed.
Secondly, consider that on that day there is an abundant grace which is going to be brought to us who believe.
Thirdly, we are to live mindful of that day and what it will bring us. We are to hope perfectly for it, to hope to the end for it.
So the primary object of the faith Jesus Christ gave you is not things in this life only - such as prosperity, dominion or success. The primary object of your faith is that day and what it will bring you - things like vindication, resurrection, eternal life and eternal glory in His Kingdom.
Since that is the case, we ought to set our affection on, and make our goal, things above - not things of the earth. For the things that are seen are only temporary but the things that are unseen are eternal. Our citizenship is in heaven. Our calling is heavenly.
In the meantime, we shine as lights in a dark world among the wicked and those who know not God.
To be thus-minded eliminates avarice, which is the root of all evil and it elevates charity (love) above all else.
Does that mean we don't engage the world - the academic, economic, social, political & cultural spheres of this world? No, because love doesn't withdraw - love engages. Being heaven-minded mints our earthly activity with a Christ-like stamp of quality. And whose life has influenced this world for good, throughout every generation, more than our Savior Jesus Christ. And second to him might be the Apostle Paul.
They showed that through aspiring to the heavenly calling rather than focusing on the earth; through serving, rather than dictating; through dying rather than living; through seeking the will of our heavenly Father not our own will; through sacrifice for the sake of the Name of Jesus and the Gospel - we leave in our wake a vastly improved world, improved in all of its spheres, benefiting all nations and generations - until He comes.
The Main Point of the Gospel

Some people don't feel any need to receive Jesus.
Maybe they're not addicted to drugs.
Maybe they have a beautiful family.
Maybe they are privileged to have citizenship in a peaceful and prosperous country that has a good government.
Maybe they already feel good about themselves and are enjoying life.
So what need would they feel for Jesus?
There is one unfortunate problem which every human-being knows they face no matter how good their life currently is - and that is death. Death and the grave come to all of us.
So if you meet somebody who thinks his or her life is so good that they have no need of Jesus, you can always say to them: "That's great! Now would you like to know how you can be raised from the dead and enjoy life forever?"
It may be that death is the only problem your unsaved friend has no answer for! So you can tell them that Jesus purchased resurrection to eternal life for everyone through His death on the cross. All they need do now is hear it, believe it, receive Him and repent - and it's theirs.
A way to live forever is something everybody needs. The hope of the resurrection is therefore a relevant message to everyone. The Gospel brings us that hope.
When Paul shared the Gospel with people he made a point of telling them about the hope that is laid up for us in heaven. We believers are to set our hope fully upon the grace that is to be ours when Jesus Christ comes again in His glory and in His Kingdom.
The Source of Death
Death entered the human race because a Divine law was broken:
"All have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God."
It all started when the first man Adam sinned. And we've all sinned.
"The wages of sin is death."
As a result, death was passed onto the whole human race. Whether your friends realize it or not, all of us have broken God's laws. And the fruit of sin is death.
The Source of Life
Yes, God is coming to judge the world one day, but although the wages of sin is death, "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ."
God loved the world so much that He didn't leave us in that mess. He gave His only Son - so that whoever believes in Him shall receive eternal life.
When Jesus died on the cross He satisfied the demands of God's broken laws and took away the sins of all mankind. He was buried. And on the third day God raised Him from the dead - which assures us that God has accepted His sacrifice as payment in full for the sins of the whole world.
It is the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of sin. Whoever believes in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and confesses with his mouth: "Jesus is Lord" - shall be saved.
God assured us through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, that He shall also raise us up from the dead - when Jesus comes again to receive us into His eternal Kingdom.
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved " (John 3:16,17)
That's something every person knows they need. That's a relevant message to everyone - no matter who they are and no matter whether their life is good or bad. It's good news for all of your friends. It's good news for the whole world! So try sharing that message with your friends.
The underlying reason why everyone of us needed Jesus is because we've all sinned. And death came by sin. But Jesus took away our sins and abolished death through the Gospel.
Whoever believes it shall be saved.
The Main Point of the Gospel

Some people don't feel any need to receive Jesus.
Maybe they're not addicted to drugs.
Maybe they have a beautiful family.
Maybe they are privileged to have citizenship in a peaceful and prosperous country that has a good government.
Maybe they already feel good about themselves and are enjoying life.
So what need would they feel for Jesus?
There is one unfortunate problem which every human-being knows they face no matter how good their life currently is - and that is death. Death and the grave come to all of us.
So if you meet somebody who thinks his or her life is so good that they have no need of Jesus, you can always say to them: "That's great! Now would you like to know how you can be raised from the dead and enjoy life forever?"
It may be that death is the only problem your unsaved friend has no answer for! So you can tell them that Jesus purchased resurrection to eternal life for everyone through His death on the cross. All they need do now is hear it, believe it, receive Him and repent - and it's theirs.
A way to live forever is something everybody needs. The hope of the resurrection is therefore a relevant message to everyone. The Gospel brings us that hope.
When Paul shared the Gospel with people he made a point of telling them about the hope that is laid up for us in heaven. We believers are to set our hope fully upon the grace that is to be ours when Jesus Christ comes again in His glory and in His Kingdom.
The Source of Death
Death entered the human race because a Divine law was broken:
"All have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God."
It all started when the first man Adam sinned. And we've all sinned.
"The wages of sin is death."
As a result, death was passed onto the whole human race. Whether your friends realize it or not, all of us have broken God's laws. And the fruit of sin is death.
The Source of Life
Yes, God is coming to judge the world one day, but although the wages of sin is death, "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ."
God loved the world so much that He didn't leave us in that mess. He gave His only Son - so that whoever believes in Him shall receive eternal life.
When Jesus died on the cross He satisfied the demands of God's broken laws and took away the sins of all mankind. He was buried. And on the third day God raised Him from the dead - which assures us that God has accepted His sacrifice as payment in full for the sins of the whole world.
It is the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of sin. Whoever believes in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and confesses with his mouth: "Jesus is Lord" - shall be saved.
God assured us through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, that He shall also raise us up from the dead - when Jesus comes again to receive us into His eternal Kingdom.
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved " (John 3:16,17)
That's something every person knows they need. That's a relevant message to everyone - no matter who they are and no matter whether their life is good or bad. It's good news for all of your friends. It's good news for the whole world! So try sharing that message with your friends.
The underlying reason why everyone of us needed Jesus is because we've all sinned. And death came by sin. But Jesus took away our sins and abolished death through the Gospel.
Whoever believes it shall be saved.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
John Howard
"Sometimes the really big decisions, although the responsibility involved in them is enormous, the pathway is fairly clear."
John Howard
"Sometimes the really big decisions, although the responsibility involved in them is enormous, the pathway is fairly clear."
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